Brake Service
Genuine nissan braking power
You can't overstate the importance of your braking system. That's why it's vital that your brakes be inspected and serviced regularly by our factory-trained technicians using Nissan Genuine Parts. Should you need replacement parts, your Nissan dealer has the right pads, rotors and more for your particular model.
Do you Know the Parts of your Brakes?
Because brakes are so important, it’s a good idea to understand the different moving parts that make up your brake system. When you press your brake pedal, the brake pads create friction; in turn, the brake rotor disperses heat throughout the vehicle to keep the brakes themselves from overheating. Both are essential to the proper functioning of your braking system and might need replacing at different times.
How to tell if your brakes need service
Your brake warning light is on
Squealing/grinding noises when you apply the brakes
Your Vehicle Pulls to the side when braking
It takes a longer time to stop than normal